The Sun is a symbol of a powerful light. It is bright and intense, burning, hot, and it illuminates and brightens everything it touches. There is a pure energy behind this symbol. Positivity from the Sun in a reading represents a powerful force, something illuminating, brightening everything in the world, a big and far-reaching force for good.
The Bouquet is more about prettiness; niceness, things that look good, beauty, things that are easy on the eye and make situations ‘nice’, including ways of behaving. It can also symbolise a prize or a gift, as flowers are often given as gifts, or to show appreciation. Pleasantness, blessings. It generally has a very light, almost surface energy, and bear in mind that flowers generally don’t last very long. In a reading, positivity from the Bouquet represents blessings, the shorter-term pleasant things we can gain or experience in a situation
The Clover represents the forces of luck and chance in life. Again, it’s a natural occurrence, but that element of chance and opportunity behind it is significant. So it does represent good fortune in a reading, but it has an opportunistic element to it and a randomness. In a reading, positivity from the Clover represents that never knowing what’s round the corner, taking chances and opportunities, coincidences and unexpected happy events.