Playing Card: Jack of Spades
General (noun): Child, Young Person, Youth, Naivety, Innocence, Beginner, Newbie, Baby, Playfulness.
General (adj): Young, Immature, Childlike, Childish, Naive, Innocent, Undeveloped, New, Small, Petite
Love: Young love; early days; childlike innocence; wonder; honeymoon period; beginnings; baby; pregnancy
Career: New starter, learner, line report, customer, junior, working with children or young people, child-care
People: Young, youthful, naivety, childlike, spontaneous. Open to learning. Physically small, petite. Adolescent.
Timing: Thirteen days, weeks, months.
Do you need to let go and let yourself be playful for a bit? Be open to new experiences, as if you are seeing them for the first time. Do something just for fun, just for the pleasure of doing. Learn something, try out something brand new.