5 Uses For Lenormand Three-Card Spreads

The three card spread is one of THE very “simplest” Lenormand readings you can learn and try, especially as a beginner. It’s also one of the most useful, and as such is the short spread that EVERY would-be Lenormand reader should be able to read with ease.

Want A Reminder On How To Read 3-Card Spreads?


So why is it so useful? What can you use this most basic of Lenormand readings for? Loads! It’s really flexible.

Check out my five suggestions below:


5 Uses For Lenormand 3-Card Spreads


1. A VERY Quick Overview Of a Situation – Past-Present-Future

The 3-Card Spread is THE BEST for super-quick overviews of ANY situation, where you just want a simple past, present, future guide.

For example, imagine you just wanted to know how a particular project was going to go. And so you shuffled and asked your cards a question on that, and the cards came out as follows:

How Is This Project Likely To Go?

(Deck: Gilded Reverie Lenormand)

What do you think?

THE RECENT PAST— Birds/Owls: Conversation & communication

CURRENT SITUATIONClouds: Things are currently uncertain, or look unclear and negative

FUTURE SITUATION—Fish:  This project should make money


You’ve probably talked or communicated about this project quite a bit, but the atmosphere around it at present is one of uncertainty or negativity, even gloom. That will soon pass though, and when it does, the project should start making money.


2, Simple Daily Reads – Or Look-Back Reads!

If you’re someone who likes to do a daily reading, even if just out of curiosity, then this is the spread to use. Doing so is quite a useful card-learning tool especially when you’re a beginner, as it helps you to see if and how the cards tend to “work” for you.

Generally speaking, when you do this, you don’t just use the Past-Present-Future method, but make use of card combinations to make a full story. Don’t forget to check out the three-card spread step by step learning resources if you’re still not sure how to do that.

So imagine you just wanted a quick prediction for your day today. You would shuffle and then ask the cards something like the following:

What Is Coming Up For Me Today?

(Deck: Blue Owl Lenormand)

What do you think?

Anchor: The long term, certainty, stability

Storks: Change, a new start

Stars: Ambitions, goals, guidance


The reading centres on the Storks, so change is at the heart  of the reading, and around that is a goal and dream you have that is fixed and certain (Anchor-Stars). You may find that you need to change your habits (Anchor-Storks) in order to achieve your goals and dreams of something new (Storks-Stars).

Also, have you ever considered doing “look-back” readings instead? This is where you do a layout at the END rather than the beginning of your day. You can do this as a “test” to see how accurate your cards are about the events of the day gone by, or also to “comment” on the day gone by!


3 Advice Or “Motto” Readings

Another great use of the 3-Card Spread is to give quick “mottos” or advice, rather than predictions, which, after, all, aren’t for everyone.

This layout is particularly useful for this because it’s short and do the point, but gives you a little bit of detail.  All you need to do is to apply the cards’ essence meanings to the context of “giving advice” (ie make them instructional) rather than predictive.

Here’s an example. Imagine you just want the cards to give you a piece of advice at this time:

What Advice Do My Cards Offer At This Time?

(Deck: Rana George Lenormand)

What do you think?

Ring: Commitments, promises, bonds

Whip: Struggle, discipline, hard work, conflict

Garden: People, outside, social circle


The advice o be disciplined and work hard is at the centre of the reading (Whip); you need perhaps to push yourself. Around this you have commitments to other people (Ring, Garden), so the cards are suggesting you need to work hard to ensure you meet your commitments to others. You must commit to making an effort and push through (Ring, Whip) and use criticism from others to make sure you do so (Whip, Garden).

4. As Part Of A Bigger Reading

The three-card spread is one of THE most useful layouts you can learn; because it forms part of so many bigger readings. For instance:

The 9-Card Spread

(Deck: Celtic Lenormand)

I wont interpret this layout here, but as you can see, a 9-card spread is made up of a number of “threes”.  The top, middle and bottom rows, the left, middle and right-hand columns, and the two diagonals.  That’s eight sets of three to read in all!


The Grand Tableau

(Deck: Blue Owl Lenormand)

Lenormand Cards Grand Tableau With Houses

And given that the Grand Tableau is mainly made up of several groups of 9 cards, you’ll potentially be needing to read TONS of threes when you come to it!

Non-Traditional Layouts

Several non-traditional layouts, such as the Pyramid Spread, the Path spread, the Clock spread, and even spreads taken from other systems like the Tarot’s Wheel Of Fortune spread, often utilise groups of three cards. For instance:

A Clock Spread

(Deck: Blue Bird Lenormand)


A Path Spread

(Deck: Rana George)

5. Reading For Timings

I’m a bit “meh” about timing readings in general and tend not to really use timings except in the body of questions.

However, it is possible to use up to three cards in timing readings for “When” something might be likely to happen, either by trying to use the Timing meanings of the cards (although this can be tricky), or to treat it as an “Events” reading, which is generally a more accurate method.

If you’re not sure how to read for timings do check out my previous posts on the subject:

All About Lenormand Timings I: Meanings

All About Lenormand Timings II: Readings & Methods

Imagine I want to know when my financial situation (or some other personal situation in my life) might improve. Now, I am going to use the “Event” method for this, as I personally find it more accurate than dated timing meanings.

When might my financial situation improve?

(Deck: Gilded Reverie Lenormand)



Whip: Effort,  Hardship, Conflict, Discipline

Storks: Change, New Start

Bear: Strength, power, assets & resources

Reading Summary

In order for your financial situation to improve, you will need to work hard and make more effort, and perhaps change your levels of discipline with money before you will see things starting to change. Improvement can come once that happens, as then you’ll be able to start storing up your assets and resources and saving money.



Why not take my online Learn Lenormand Card Layouts In Practice course?

12 HIGHLY practical lessons, which will give you all you need to read short Lenormand card layouts with confidence!

12 video lessons, approx 20 mins each, with detailed worksheets and quizzes to consolidate your learning!

Logical step-by-step progress through the course, building on your knowledge and skills as you go

As an experienced former teacher AND professional Lenormand reader, I know that my students are at the centre of any learning. This is  NOT a “talking heads” video lecture course. It’s practical, focused on you and your needs and questions, and aims to get you CONFIDENT about reading a variety of short Lenormand layouts by the end of the course!

Here’s what one student had to say about it…

“I felt like something was missing in the foundation of my learning. I signed up for the courses and found myself looking forward to the next module. I had a renewed passion for Lenormand after the first few modules. It was clicking! It was making complete sense. Not only do I feel like I have a solid foundation now, but I feel like I have a full library that no longer intimidates me! Thank you Lozzy’s for creating this wonderful series! BRAVO! WELL DONE!” (Jean, US)

Want to get confident with short Lenormand layouts in answer to ANY question?