Playing Card: Seven of Clubs
General (noun): Worry, Anxiety, Nerves, Troubles, Infestation, Restlessness, Agitation, Apprehension, Small Problems
General (adj): Anxious, Nervy, Worried, Worrying, Gnawing, Niggling, Panicky, Eroding
Love: Anxiety around relationships can mean clinginess, neuroticism, obsessive behaviour. Love worries.
Career: Work stress, stressful situation, overwhelm, rat-race, pointless-seeming work, wastefulness
People: Anxious, jittery, clingy, neurotic, unstable, stress-head, highly-strung
Timing: Twenty-three days, twenty-third, very soon, rapidly
A lot of anxiety, a stressful situation or worries around. Are you letting small problems get to you, making mountains out of molehills? Or is there a small problem you’re ignoring but that’s niggling at you? Deal with it before it gets bigger.