Playing Card: Jack of Clubs
General (noun): Hardship, Struggle, Harshness, Pain, Abuse, Training, Sex, Fights, Conflict, Sport, Competition
General (adj): Abusive, Harsh, Difficult, Argumentative, Coaching, Sexual, Sporting, Competitive, Avenging
Love: Sexuality, particularly fetishes, physicality, fights, rows, abuse, conflict. “Difficult” relationships.
Career: Hard work, training, coaching, struggle, requires discipline, sportsperson, gym
People: Harsh, punitive, hard work, argumentative, fiesty, sporty, disciplinarians, don’t suffer fools
Timing: November, eleven days, weeks, months
Hard work is needed; push yourself, go that little bit further, discipline is required. Don’t let it tip into abuse though. An argumentative atmosphere around, you may have to fight and struggle to get what you want. Competition is high at this time.